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The movements just explained, rushing and crawling, are not particularly useful when you are close to the enemy because they often create a shuffling noise. When extremely quiet movement is necessary, especially when you are on patrol or stalking an enemy, you must use the movements described below. These

Figure 4-5.-Walking gently with your toe down first.

movements are particularly useful when you are moving at night. The movements must be made slowly; they are tiring and require extreme patience and self-control to be performed properly.


While walking, hold your weapon at port arms. Make your footing sure and solid by keeping your weight on one foot as you step with the other. When stepping, raise your foot high. This enables you to clear the brush and grass. With your weight on the rear leg, gently let your foot down, toe first (fig. 4-5). Feel softly with your toe to pick a good, solid spot; then lower your foot. Shift your weight and balance to your foot that is forward and then continue. Take short steps to avoid losing your balance. At night and when moving through dense vegetation, you should avoid making unnecessary noise by holding your weapon with one hand and extending your other hand forward to feel for obstructions as you move.

Western Governors University

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