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This chapter provides information about the construction and use of wire entanglements.


Barbed-wire entanglements are artificial obstacles designed to slow the movement of foot troops and, in some cases, tracked and wheeled vehicles. The materials used in constructing barbed-wire entanglements are relatively lightweight and inexpensive, considering the protection they afford. You can breach barbed-wire entanglements by fire but they are built, repaired, and reinforced rapidly.


To be effective, you should select the site and lay out barbed-wire entanglements to meet the following requirements:

1. Perform the work under friendly observation, covered by fire, and where practicable, protected by antipersomel mines, trip flares, and warning devices.

2. Conceal the entanglements from enemy observation as far as practicable by incorporating terrain features, such as reverse slopes, hedges, woods, paths, and fence lines.

3. Erect them in irregular and nongeometrical traces.

4. Use them in bands or zones wherever practicable.

5. Coordinate the entanglements with other elements of the defense.


You should classify entanglements according to use and depth and whether they are fixed or portable. They are classed by use as tactical, protective, or supple-mentary. The use of these types of entanglements in a defensive area is shown schematically in figure 8-1.

Western Governors University

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