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The purpose of artificial ventilation is to provide a method of air exchange until natural breathing is reestablished. Artificial ventilation should be given only when natural breathing has stopped; it must not be given to any person who is breathing naturally. Do not assume that a person's breathing has stopped merely because the person is unconscious or has been rescued from the water, from poisonous gas, or from contact with an electric wire. Remember: DO NOT GIVE ARTIFICIAL VENTILATION TO A PERSON WHO IS BREATHING NATURALLY.

In the last section, we discussed the methods to open the blocked airway. When the victim is not breathing, it is essential for the airway to be open so the rescuer can begin respiratory life support. When the victim does not begin spontaneous breathing after opening the airway, begin artificial ventilation immediately. When ventilation is inadequate, readjust the head, using one of the methods described earlier and attempt to ventilate again. If the airway is obstructed, use the thrust techniques discussed previously, followed by another attempt at artificial ventilation.

Figure 10-9.-Feeling for the carotid pulse.

Western Governors University

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