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When the fire command is issued, the first ammunition bearer prepares the ammunition for firing. Continuing with our example fire command, the gunner selects an M888 HE round. As this round is normally fuzed with the M734 fuze, the ammo bearer must first remove this fuze and replace it with the proximity fuze as designated in the fire command. To do this, he removes the fuze with the M18 fuze wrench. He then takes the proximity fuze from its container and inspects the threads to ensure they are in good condition. The fuze is then inserted into the fuze cavity of the projectile and manually screwed in by grasping the base of the fuze. Using the fuze wrench, he tightens the fuze until no clearance exists between it and the body of the projectile.

With the new fuze installed, the ammo bearer next adjusts the propellant charge. The fire command called for a CHARGE TWO. As the M888 HE round is issued

Figure 14-18.--Firing position: Conventional mode.

with a total of four propellent increments, he must remove two of these.

After the round is prepared for firing, do NOT try to change the fuze. The ammo bearer removes the safety (cotter) pin and passes it to the assistant gunner who does the loading.

Western Governors University

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